Dart has a natural hierarchy of screens that will help you maneuver throughout your project, from big picture to very specific. It works like this:
Workspace -> Space -> Dartboard -> Task -> Subtask
Your workspace encapsulates all of Dart. It contains all of your spaces, your inbox (notifications), intelligence (dashboards and reports), and views (note: views are separate entities that allow you to look across multiple dartboards). You can move around your workspace via the lefthand column, which allows you to move around your spaces, dartboards, and views with ease:
A space can be used to arrange workflows or for different types of work. You can have one or multiple dartboards that contain tasks and subtasks.
You can see or create spaces from your workspace menu:
To create a new space, hover over the "SPACES" title and click on the "+" icon:
Spaces can contain two main items: dartboards and doc folders. Dartboards hold your tasks, while doc folders hold all relevant documents related to tasks.
Once you have created a space, you can add new dartboards and doc folders. To do this, click the "+" icon by the space's title:
A dartboard contains all of your tasks for projects. You can view your dartboard via four different layouts:
Your various dartboards will be on the left side of your screen (under the relevant space) and will be marked with dartboard icons:
Dartboards can be created to organize tasks of a similar type or share an outcome. Under one space, for example, you can have one or multiple dartboards, depending on the requirements of your project.
When you have a space and dartboard created, you can begin to populate the dartboard with tasks.
A task is part of the project, and it allows users to organize actionable parts of a project. Tasks come with default sections that each user can add to and are customizable to hold all of the information about the work.
Within a task, users will see and be able to manipulate/add:
Properties (status, assignee, dartboard)
Description (details of the task, with the ability to tag individuals)
Users can also communicate with each other right in the task by leaving comments and tagging/responding to team members.
A subtask, or group of subtasks, sits under the main task. Subtasks can be used to break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable tasks or to help distribute a task to multiple team members. Like a task, a subtask can be named and assigned and team members can note the progress (to-do, doing, etc.). Unlike tasks, subtasks do not have long descriptions, links, attachments, etc.; these items can all be placed inside the task itself.
Subtasks can be viewed within the task, on the right-hand side of the larger task window, in list form:
At the top of the subtasks, you'll also be able to see a breakdown of how complete the subtasks are and be able to visually see how far along subtasks are.
Note that everything from spaces down to subtasks can be replicated to help save you time when creating similar projects.