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Dart MCP

Dart has a Model Context Protocol (MCP) server. Learn how to use it to link Dart with various programs including Claude

Updated yesterday

The MCP or Model Context Protocol is an open protocol built by Anthropic that provides a standard on how applications provide context to LLMs. It's primary use today is in linking with Anthropic's AI Claude, although other apps also use the protocol.

Dart's MCP server is hosted here on github at the following URL: The easiest way to run the MCP server is with npx, although a Docker setup is also available.

To set up the integration with Claude see our dedicated article. Otherwise read on to learn more about our MCP's capabilities:


The following prompts are available

  • create-task - Create a new task in Dart with title, description, status, priority, and assignee

  • create-doc - Create a new document in Dart with title, text content, and folder

  • summarize-tasks - Get a summary of tasks with optional filtering by status and assignee

These prompts make it easy for AI assistants to perform common actions in Dart without needing to understand the underlying API details.

Resource templates

The following resources are available

  • dart-config: - Configuration information about the user's space

  • dart-task:///{taskId} - Detailed information about specific tasks

  • dart-doc:///{docId} - Detailed information about specific docs


The following tools are available

Task management

  • get_config - Get information about the user's space, including available assignees, dartboards, folders, statuses, tags, priorities, and sizes

  • list_tasks - List tasks with optional filtering by assignee, status, dartboard, priority, due date, and more

  • create_task - Create a new task with title, description, status, priority, size, dates, dartboard, assignees, tags, and parent task

  • get_task - Retrieve an existing task by its ID

  • update_task - Update an existing task's properties

  • delete_task - Move a task to the trash (recoverable)

Document management

  • list_docs - List docs with optional filtering by folder, title, text content, and more

  • create_doc - Create a new doc with title, text content, and folder

  • get_doc - Retrieve an existing doc by its ID

  • update_doc - Update an existing doc's properties

  • delete_doc - Move a doc to the trash (recoverable)

Each tool supports comprehensive input validation and returns structured JSON responses.

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