Dart makes it easy to set up useful rules-based automations. These will automatically complete some actions for you based on various triggers.
Automations Overview
You can access your automations in settings under Workspace
The automations include:
Parents complete when all subtasks complete
When all the subtasks of a given task complete, the parent will automatically complete
Subtasks move with parent
When a parent task moves between dartboards, all of its subtasks in that dartboard will automatically move
Subtask statuses update with parent
When a parent status changes, all of its subtasks at or behind that status will automatically update
New subtasks replicate parent
When a subtask is first created, it will automatically inherit most of its parent's properties
Blocked task dates update with blocker
When a blocker's due date changes, all of the tasks that are blocked will automatically update
Simply click the toggle near any of these automations to enable them, or toggle them off to disable them.