List layout
List View layout options can help you better visualize your tasks to help you understand everything at a glance. To adjust the visualization in List layout, start by clicking on the layout editor - the far right button at the very top of your page:
When you have clicked on the List layout, you will have the option to organize your subtasks (collapse, indent, or align):
Group by Status (To-do, Doing, etc.):
Hide or show Properties (Note: Title and Status will always show by default):
You can also set your property default values from this drop-down menu. Default values are what tasks will use when they are created in this dartboard.
Board layout
By default, your Board layout will group columns by Status, so that you can easily pull tasks along (from To-do, to Doing, to In Review, etc.). However, from the drop-down menu, you can change the layout to group either by Tags or Assignee as well. For example, here's how your board would show if you chose to group by Assignee:
Similar to List layout, you will be able to showcase how your subtasks will appear. You can choose to show them flat, collapsed, or indented:
Calendar layout
There are various filtering options in Calendar layout that can help you sort your tasks.
You can find the filter icon (three horizontal lines) at the top right of your calendar. Once you click on it, various calendar filters will show at the top left of your calendar:
Once your filters are visible, from the top left of your calendar, you can filter by status (To-do, Doing, In Review, Done, etc.):
You will also see the option to filter by assignee:
Need even more filters? Click on the filter icon and choose even more filtering options to help you customize your Calendar layout:
Roadmap Layout
The Roadmap layout is similar to a Gantt chart. Like other layout options, you'll be able to adjust your subtasks (Indented, Collapsed, or Flat), toggle to show or hide absent parents, color by Assignee, Tags, or Status, and show a variety of properties:
Also, like other layout options, you can choose to filter by choosing the filter icon (three horizontal lines) from the top right of your Roadmap layout. This allows you to filter for a variety of properties, including Assignee, Status, Tags, and more:
Just to the left of your filtering options, you will also have a Sort icon (up and down arrows) that will allow you to sort your Roadmap via Title, Assignee, Tags, Due Date, and Status (in both Ascending and Descending order):