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Keep your team moving forward effectively with sprints.

Updated over a year ago

Dart comes equipped with sprint cycle management. Use this to implement a regular cadence for planning, completion, and rollovers to your team's task management process.

Enabling sprints creates three main dartboards as well as an archive section within a space. Current tasks go in Active, near-term ones in Next, and long-term ones in Backlog. At the end of a sprint when hopefully most of the tasks in Active are completed, you can start a new sprint.

Starting a new sprint will move any completed tasks in Active into the archive, and any tasks you've planned in Next will move into Active.

Use Dart Sprints

To use sprints you first want to equip a space with them. The Default Team space will already have sprints enabled, or you can make a new space with sprints.

Enable sprints

To enable sprints

  1. Click the "+" next to Spaces or click the "..." on an existing space in navigation area and click "Configure space".

  2. Make sure Sprints are enabled below the Basics section.

enabling sprints in a new space

Then just add in some tasks into Active for the current sprint, and plan more tasks in Next. If you have any ideas that you aren't ready to slot in yet you can store those for later in the Backlog.

Sprint Rollover

Whenever you're ready for the current sprint to end and the next to begin, just click the "..." next to the space title and choose "Start next sprint"

starting another sprint

Note: You can actually disable Backlogs from all of your sprints in settings! Just go to Preferences under Workspace in Settings and enable the toggle for "Disable backlog"

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