Integrating Telegram with Zapier allows you to automate tasks like sending messages, notifications, or updates directly to Telegram from Dart
Before you begin, ensure you have the following:
A Telegram account
A Zapier account
Step 1: Create a Telegram bot
Create a new bot
Open the Telegram app and search for "@BotFather."
Select the verified account.
Type /newbot and follow the prompts:
Provide a name for your bot.
Choose a username that ends with "bot" (e.g., MyZapBot).
BotFather will generate an API Token for your bot. Save this token for later use.
See screenshot below for full details:
Run your Telegram bot
Navigate to BotFather in Telegram.
Locate the congratulatory message from BotFather and click the link to your newly created bot.
Open the bot’s chatbox and type /start to activate it.
Your bot is now running and ready to be accessed using its API Token.
Step 2: Set up Zapier integration
Log in to your accounts
Connect Dart to Zapier
In Dart, navigate to Settings (bottom left corner).
Go to Integrations and select Zapier.
Follow the prompts to connect your Dart account to Zapier.
Step 3: Use and edit the Zap template
Set up your zap trigger
Choose a Zapier template at the bottom of this document.
Configure the trigger:
Select a trigger event (e.g., Task Created or Task Updated).
For the trigger event, choose either Task Created or Task Updated, depending on the template you are setting up. For example, if you are setting up the Task Created notification, select Task Created as the trigger event.
For the Account, connect your Dart account through clicking change/add. Just follow the prompts.
Fill in the trigger values as shown in the template screenshot.
Test your trigger
Option 1: Select a record matching the template’s description (e.g., a task with only a title).
Option 2: If no matching record exists, edit an existing record:
Select the record, scroll to the bottom, and click Edit.
Adjust only the relevant fields as needed.
Note: Repeat options 1 and 2 if necessary. Ensure your selected record matches the template requirements before continuing. There are some instances where you cannot edit the Size Value so you may need to choose a record that has the Size record already blank and not filled up.
Fill in filter values
Follow this link to go back to the list of templates and filter values.
Refer to the template screenshots to copy and input the correct filter values.
Step 4: Send notifications to Telegram
Connect your Telegram Bot to Zapier
In Zapier, navigate to the account section for Telegram integration.
If no bot is connected, click change/add Account and select connect a new account.
Enter the API Token from BotFather that you saved from earlier steps when prompted.
Configure Your Bot
In the Chat ID section, select your bot as the recipient (See screenshot below).
If your bot doesn’t appear, start or restart it:
To start or restart, open the bot’s chatbox in Telegram and type /start.
Customize the notification
Set the Text Format to Plain Text.
Feel free to edit the Mmessage text field, just make sure to add the appropriate Tags:
Use the + Button to insert appropriate tags from the available values.
Example: For a Task Created Notification w/ Title Only notification, add the task title using the Title tag.
I added the Title Tag to the message by clicking the "+" button and selecting the desired value from the options in the pop-up scroll menu, as shown below:
Note: Tags for Task Updated notifications differ. Use tags that start with “Model” (e.g., Model.Title).
- See screenshot below:
Step 5: Test and publish
Test all steps to ensure your Zap works correctly.
Fix any errors or missing values.
Publish your Zap.
Once published, you can test your notifications by creating or updating tasks in your Dart account.
If you receive an "Unauthorized Application Error" reconnect your Dart account to Zapier. This issue may occur if you’ve been logged out of Zapier for an extended period.
If your bot doesn’t appear in the Chat ID section, start or restart it:
To start or restart your bot, open the bot’s chatbox in Telegram and type /start.
Need Assistance?
For further questions or support, please email us at [email protected].
Telegram templates
These are pre-made templates to help you out implement push notifications from Dart to your Telegram Account as Zapier as the medium. We were able to create one template for all of the functions. However, due to Zapier's Template sharing issues, we cannot share the template with the Path function.
As a result we have broken down the Pre - existing template that we made in a way that it can be shared to our users. This will function like the original one given that they are all enabled and integrated properly.
You may find the template links and their filter values below:
Task created notification templates